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ITVF- Regd.No:CIN.No. U74999PN2015/NPL. 156491

TVFI:Regd.No.: 281-2000/F-37313 Pune

About Us

Dr.Venkatesh Wangwad

Founder, ITVF

Tennis volleyball is very interesting game, which provides the joy and satisfaction to every human being of any age. This game provides the all-round fitness and prevention of all diseases.

This game is being played in most of the Asian countries. Because which require very few equipment and small ground and has very less cost and 99% no chances of injury. This Game and its rules has been scientifically developed when it start as competitive game.

This game is combination of lawn Tennis, Badminton and Volleyball, because the playing nature is like Tennis and Ball uses like Volleyball, so players uses the skill of Volleyball. The Game has demonstrated in two Olympics and several international seminars, so this game is mostly popular in Asian Countries.

Presently the international Federation is in PUNE (India) to which has 15 of countries will to join with us. And various international competitions may start of this game. I hope that this game popular within short period of time and will knock the door of international Olympics game committee.

Dr. Venkatesh Wangwad